first commit
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
" ██╗ ██╗██╗███╗ ███╗██████╗ ██████╗
" ██║ ██║██║████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██╔════╝
" ██║ ██║██║██╔████╔██║██████╔╝██║
" ╚██╗ ██╔╝██║██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██╗██║
" ╚████╔╝ ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ██║╚██████╗
" ╚═══╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝
" Disable compatibility with vi which can cause unexpected issues.
set nocompatible
" Enable type file detection. Vim will be able to try to detect the type of file in use.
filetype on
" Enable plugins and load plugin for the detected file type.
filetype plugin on
" Load an indent file for the detected file type.
filetype indent on
" Turn syntax highlighting on.
syntax on
" Add numbers to each line on the left-hand side.
"set number
" Show numbers relative to current line.
"set relativenumber
" Highlight cursor line underneath the cursor horizontally.
"set cursorline
" Highlight cursor line underneath the cursor vertically.
"set cursorcolumn
" Set shift width to 4 spaces.
set shiftwidth=4
" Set tab width to 4 columns.
set tabstop=4
" Use space characters instead of tabs.
set expandtab
" Do not save backup files.
set nobackup
" Do not let cursor scroll below or above N number of lines when scrolling.
set scrolloff=10
" Do not wrap lines. Allow long lines to extend as far as the line goes.
set nowrap
" While searching though a file incrementally highlight matching characters as
" you type.
set incsearch
" Ignore capital letters during search.
set ignorecase
" Override the ignorecase option if searching for capital letters.
" This will allow you to search specifically for capital letters.
set smartcase
" Show partial command you type in the last line of the screen.
set showcmd
" Show the mode you are on the last line.
set showmode
" Show matching words during a search.
set showmatch
" Use highlighting when doing a search.
set hlsearch
" Set the commands to save in history default number is 20.
set history=1000
" Set the max undos
set undolevels=1000
" Enable auto completion menu after pressing TAB.
set wildmenu
" Make wildmenu behave like similar to Bash completion.
set wildmode=list:longest
" There are certain files that we would never want to edit with Vim.
" Wildmenu will ignore files with these extensions.
set wildignore=*.docx,*.jpg,*.png,*.gif,*.pdf,*.pyc,*.exe,*.flv,*.img,*.xlsx
" Visuals
set title
set ruler
set novisualbell
set noerrorbells
set lazyredraw
set laststatus=2
" set colorcolumn=85
set background=dark
set encoding=utf-8
colorscheme desert
" Mappings
let mapleader = " "
" Turn off search highlighting by pressing space after leader (double space)
nnoremap <leader><space> :nohlsearch<CR>
" Map Ctrl+[hjkl] to navigate windows vim style
nnoremap <silent> <C-h> <C-w>h
nnoremap <silent> <C-j> <C-w>j
nnoremap <silent> <C-k> <C-w>k
nnoremap <silent> <C-l> <C-w>l
" Map Ctrl+[arrow] to navigate windows`
nnoremap <silent> <C-Left> <C-w>h
nnoremap <silent> <C-Down> <C-w>j
nnoremap <silent> <C-Up> <C-w>k
nnoremap <silent> <C-Right> <C-w>l
" Increase/descrease window split size
if bufwinnr(1)
map + <C-W>+
map - <C-W>-
" Pageup/down will scroll half-page and center the current line on the screen
nnoremap <silent> <PageUp> <C-U>zz
vnoremap <silent> <PageUp> <C-U>zz
inoremap <silent> <PageUp> <C-O><C-U><C-O>zz
nnoremap <silent> <PageDown> <C-D>zz
vnoremap <silent> <PageDown> <C-D>zz
inoremap <silent> <PageDown> <C-O><C-D><C-O>zz
" Open netrw filebrowser in current window, with current file selected
nmap <leader>e :25Lex<CR>
" Rotate windows
nmap <leader>r <C-w>r
" Close buffer without affecting splits
nmap <leader>d :bprevious<CR>:bdelete #<CR>
" Easy buffer navigation
nmap <leader>n :bn<CR>
nmap <leader>p :bp<CR>
nmap <leader>b :buffer <Tab>
" Load vimrc
nmap <leader>v :e ~/.vimrc<CR>
" Toggle/cycle line number modes
nmap <leader>l :call CycleLineNumbers()<CR>
function! CycleLineNumbers()
if (&number == 1 && &relativenumber == 0)
set relativenumber
if (&relativenumber == 1 && &number == 1)
set norelativenumber
set nonumber
set number
set norelativenumber
Reference in New Issue
Block a user