diff --git a/.Xresources b/.Xresources new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4368566 --- /dev/null +++ b/.Xresources @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +Xft.dpi: 96 +Xft.antialias: true +Xft.hinting: true +Xft.rgba: rgb +Xft.autohint: false +Xft.hintstyle: hintslight +Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault + +XTerm*background: #222D31 +XTerm*foreground: #d8d8d8 +XTerm*pointerColor: #1ABB9B +XTerm*faceName: Fixed +XTerm*faceSize: 11 +XTerm*reverseVideo: on +XTerm*selectToClipboard: true + +*background: #222D31 +*foreground: #d8d8d8 +*fading: 8 +*fadeColor: black +*cursorColor: #1ABB9B +*pointerColorBackground: #2B2C2B +*pointerColorForeground: #16A085 + +!! black dark/light +*color0: #222D31 +*color8: #585858 + +!! red dark/light +*color1: #ab4642 +*color9: #ab4642 + +!! green dark/light +*color2: #7E807E +*color10: #8D8F8D + +!! yellow dark/light +*color3: #f7ca88 +*color11: #f7ca88 + +!! blue dark/light +*color4: #7cafc2 +*color12: #7cafc2 + +!! magenta dark/light +*color5: #ba8baf +*color13: #ba8baf + +!! cyan dark/light +*color6: #1ABB9B +*color14: #1ABB9B + +!! white dark/light +*color7: #d8d8d8 +*color15: #f8f8f8 + +Xcursor.theme: xcursor-breeze +Xcursor.size: 0 + +URxvt.font: 9x15,xft:TerminessTTFNerdFontMono + +! alternative font settings with 'terminus': +! URxvt.font: -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1 +! URxvt.bold.font: -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1 +!! terminus names see end of file! + +URxvt.depth: 32 +URxvt.background: [100]#222D31 +URxvt*scrollBar: false +URxvt*mouseWheelScrollPage: false +URxvt*cursorBlink: true +URxvt*background: black +URxvt*foreground: grey +URxvt*saveLines: 5000 + +! for 'fake' transparency (without Compton) uncomment the following three lines +! URxvt*inheritPixmap: true +! URxvt*transparent: true +! URxvt*shading: 138 + +! Normal copy-paste keybindings without perls +URxvt.iso14755: false +URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-V: eval:paste_clipboard +URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-C: eval:selection_to_clipboard +!Xterm escape codes, word by word movement +URxvt.keysym.Control-Left: \033[1;5D +URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-Left: \033[1;6D +URxvt.keysym.Control-Right: \033[1;5C +URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-Right: \033[1;6C +URxvt.keysym.Control-Up: \033[1;5A +URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-Up: \033[1;6A +URxvt.keysym.Control-Down: \033[1;5B +URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-Down: \033[1;6B +! Rxvt.perl-ext-common: ...,clipboard +! URxvt.keysym.M-C-c: perl:clipboard:copy +! URxvt.keysym.M-v: perl:clipboard:paste +! URxvt.keysym.M-C-v: perl:clipboard:paste_escaped +! URxvt*termName: string +! URxvt*geometry: geometry +! URxvt*chdir: string +! URxvt*loginShell: boolean +! URxvt*multiClickTime: number +! URxvt*jumpScroll: boolean +! URxvt*skipScroll: boolean +! URxvt*pastableTabs: boolean +! URxvt*scrollstyle: plain +! URxvt*scrollBar_right: boolean +! URxvt*scrollBar_floating: true +! URxvt*scrollBar_align: mode +! URxvt*thickness: number +! URxvt*scrollTtyOutput: boolean +! URxvt*scrollTtyKeypress: boolean +! URxvt*scrollWithBuffer: boolean +! URxvt*tintColor: !7DA55 +! URxvt*blurRadius: HxV +! URxvt*fading: number +! URxvt*fadeColor: color +! URxvt*utmpInhibit: boolean +! URxvt*urgentOnBell: boolean +! URxvt*visualBell: boolean +! URxvt*mapAlert: boolean +! URxvt*meta8: boolean +! URxvt*tripleclickwords: boolean +! URxvt*insecure: boolean +! URxvt*cursorUnderline: boolean +! URxvt*pointerBlank: boolean +! URxvt*color0: color +! URxvt*color1: color +! URxvt*color2: color +! URxvt*color3: color +! URxvt*color4: color +! URxvt*color5: color +! URxvt*color6: color +! URxvt*color7: color +! URxvt*color8: color +! URxvt*color9: color +! URxvt*color10: color +! URxvt*color11: color +! URxvt*color12: color +! URxvt*color13: color +! URxvt*color14: color +! URxvt*color15: color +! URxvt*colorBD: color +! URxvt*colorIT: color +! URxvt*colorUL: color +! URxvt*colorRV: color +! URxvt*underlineColor: color +! URxvt*scrollColor: color +! URxvt*troughColor: color +! URxvt*highlightColor: color +! URxvt*highlightTextColor: color +! URxvt*cursorColor: color +! URxvt*cursorColor2: color +! URxvt*pointerColor: color +! URxvt*pointerColor2: color +! URxvt*borderColor: color +! URxvt*iconFile: file +! URxvt*font: fontname +! URxvt*boldFont: fontname +! URxvt*italicFont: fontname +! URxvt*boldItalicFont: fontname +! URxvt*intensityStyles: boolean +! URxvt*inputMethod: name +! URxvt*preeditType: style +! URxvt*imLocale: string +! URxvt*imFont: fontname +! URxvt*title: string +! URxvt*iconName: string +! URxvt*buffered: boolean +! URxvt*depth: number +! URxvt*visual: number +! URxvt*transient-for: windowid +! URxvt*override-redirect: boolean +! URxvt*hold: boolean +! URxvt*externalBorder: number +! URxvt*internalBorder: number +! URxvt*borderLess: true +! URxvt*lineSpace: number +! URxvt*letterSpace: number +! URxvt*skipBuiltinGlyphs: boolean +! URxvt*pointerBlankDelay: number +! URxvt*backspacekey: string +! URxvt*deletekey: string +! URxvt*print-pipe: string +! URxvt*modifier: modifier +! URxvt*cutchars: string +! URxvt*answerbackString: string +! URxvt*secondaryScreen: boolean +! URxvt*secondaryScroll: boolean +! URxvt*perl-lib: string +! URxvt*perl-eval: perl-eval +! URxvt*perl-ext-common: string +! URxvt*perl-ext: string +! URxvt*iso14755: boolean +! URxvt*iso14755_52: boolean +! URxvt*xrm: string +! URxvt*keysym.sym: keysym +! URxvt*background.border: boolean +! URxvt*background.expr: string +! URxvt*background.interval: seconds +! URxvt*bell-command: string +! URxvt*kuake.hotkey: string +! URxvt*matcher.button: string +! URxvt*matcher.launcher: string +! URxvt*matcher.launcher.*: string +! URxvt*matcher.pattern.*: string +! URxvt*matcher.rend.*: string +! URxvt*remote-clipboard.fetch: string +! URxvt*remote-clipboard.store: string +! URxvt*searchable-scrollback: string +! URxvt*selection-autotransform.*: string +! URxvt*selection-pastebin.cmd: string +! URxvt*selection-pastebin.url: string +! URxvt*selection.pattern-0: string +! URxvt*tab-bg: colour +! URxvt*tab-fg: colour +! URxvt*tabbar-bg: colour +! URxvt*tabbar-fg: colour +! URxvt*url-launcher: string + +! The Terminus font uses the following X-names: +! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--12-120-72-72-c-60-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--14-140-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--20-200-72-72-c-100-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--22-220-72-72-c-110-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--24-240-72-72-c-120-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--28-280-72-72-c-140-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--32-320-72-72-c-160-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--12-120-72-72-c-60-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--14-140-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--20-200-72-72-c-100-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--24-240-72-72-c-120-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--28-280-72-72-c-140-iso10646-1 +! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--32-320-72-72-c-160-iso10646-1 diff --git a/polybar/clean.sh b/polybar/clean.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78998a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/polybar/clean.sh @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +rm -r ~/.config/polybar/ diff --git a/polybar/config b/polybar/config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..590cb7c --- /dev/null +++ b/polybar/config @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ +;===================================================== +; +;===================================================== + +[global/wm] +margin-top = 0 +margin-bottom = 0 + +[settings] +throttle-output = 5 +throttle-output-for = 10 +throttle-input-for = 30 +screenchange-reload = true +compositing-background = over +compositing-foreground = over +compositing-overline = over +compositing-underline = over +compositing-border = over + +; Define fallback values used by all module formats +format-foreground = #FF0000 +format-background = #00FF00 +format-underline = +format-overline = +format-spacing = +format-padding = +format-margin = +format-offset = + +[colors] +; Nord theme ============ +background = #2F343F +foreground = #f3f4f5 +alert = #d08770 +volume-min = #a3be8c +volume-med = #ebcb8b +volume-max = #bf616a +; ======================= + +; Gotham theme ========== +; background = #0a0f14 +; foreground = #99d1ce +; alert = #d26937 +; volume-min = #2aa889 +; volume-med = #edb443 +; volume-max = #c23127 +; ======================= + +; INTRCPTR theme ============ +;background = ${xrdb:color0:#222} +;background = #aa000000 +;background-alt = #444 +;foreground = ${xrdb:color7:#222} +;foreground = #fff +;foreground-alt = #555 +;primary = #ffb52a +;secondary = #e60053 +;alert = #bd2c40 + + +################################################################################ +################################################################################ +############ MAINBAR-SPECTRWM ############ +################################################################################ +################################################################################ + +[bar/mainbar-spectrwm] +monitor = ${env:MONITOR} +;monitor-fallback = HDMI1 +width = 100% +height = 30 +;offset-x = 1% +;offset-y = 1% +radius = 0.0 +fixed-center = true +bottom = false +separator = | + +background = ${colors.background} +foreground = ${colors.foreground} + +line-size = 2 +line-color = #f00 + +wm-restack = bspwm +override-redirect = true + +; Enable support for inter-process messaging +; See the Messaging wiki page for more details. +enable-ipc = true + +border-size = 0 +;border-left-size = 0 +;border-right-size = 25 +;border-top-size = 0 +;border-bottom-size = 25 +border-color = #00000000 + +padding-left = 0 +padding-right = 1 + +module-margin-left = 3 +module-margin-right = 3 + +;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Fonts +font-0 = "Noto Sans:size=10;0" +font-1 = "FontAwesome:size=10;0" +font-2 = "Noto Sans:size=10;0" +font-3 = "Noto Sans Mono:size=10;0" + +modules-left = ewmh xwindow +#modules-center = xwindow +modules-right = memory3 cpu1 temperature2 date + +tray-detached = false +tray-offset-x = 0 +tray-offset-y = 0 +tray-padding = 2 +tray-maxsize = 20 +tray-scale = 1.0 +tray-position = right +tray-background = ${colors.background} + +scroll-up = spectrwm-desknext +scroll-down = spectrwm-deskprev + +################################################################################ +############ MODULES ############ +################################################################################ + +[module/cpu1] +;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Module:-cpu +type = internal/cpu +; Seconds to sleep between updates +; Default: 1 +interval = 1 +format-foreground = ${colors.foreground} +format-background = ${colors.background} +;    +format-prefix = " " +format-prefix-foreground = #cd1f3f +format-underline = #cd1f3f + +; Available tags: +;