356 lines
9.3 KiB
Executable File
356 lines
9.3 KiB
Executable File
// Copyright 2021 IOsetting <iosetting(at)outlook.com>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "ds3231.h"
__XDATA uint8_t buff[7];
uint8_t DS3231_Write(uint8_t reg, uint8_t dat)
return I2C_Write(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, reg, &dat, 1);
uint8_t DS3231_Hex2Bcd(uint8_t hex)
return (hex % 10) + ((hex / 10) << 4);
uint8_t DS3231_Bcd2Hex(uint8_t bcd)
return (bcd >> 4) * 10 + (bcd & 0x0F);
uint8_t DS3231_GetStatus(void)
I2C_Read(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, DS3231_REG_STATUS, buff, 1);
return buff[0];
uint8_t DS3231_GetTime(uint8_t *t)
uint8_t res;
res = I2C_Read(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, DS3231_REG_SECOND, buff, 7);
if (res != HAL_OK)
return res;
t[0] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[6]) + ((buff[5] >> 7) & 0x01) * 100; // year
t[1] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[5] & 0x1F); // month
t[2] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[3]); // week
t[3] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[4]); // date
t[7] = (buff[2] >> 6) & 0x01; // 12h/24h
t[8] = (buff[2] >> 5) & 0x01; // am/pm
if (t[7] == DS3231_FORMAT_12H)
t[4] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[2] & 0x1F); // hour
t[4] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[2] & 0x3F); // hour
t[5] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[1]); // minute
t[6] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[0]); // second
return HAL_OK;
uint8_t year;
uint8_t month;
uint8_t week;
uint8_t date;
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t minute;
uint8_t second;
DS3231_HourFormat_t format;
DS3231_AmPm_t am_pm;
uint8_t DS3231_SetTime(uint8_t *t)
uint8_t res, reg;
// Time validation
if (t[0] > 200) t[0] = 200; // year
if (t[1] == 0) t[1] = 1; // month
else if (t[1] > 12) t[1] = 12;
if (t[2] == 0) t[2] = 1; // week
else if (t[2] > 7) t[2] = 7;
if (t[3] == 0) t[3] = 1; // date
else if (t[3] > 31) t[3] = 31;
if (t[7] == DS3231_FORMAT_12H)
if (t[4] > 12) t[4] = 12; // hour
else if (t[7] == DS3231_FORMAT_24H)
if (t[4] > 23) t[4] = 23; // hour
if (t[5] > 59) t[5] = 59; // minute
if (t[6] > 59) t[6] = 59; // second
res = DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_SECOND, DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[6]));
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
res = DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_MINUTE, DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[5]));
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
if (t[7] == DS3231_FORMAT_12H)
reg = (uint8_t)((1 << 6) | (t[8] << 5) | DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[4]));
reg = (0 << 6) | DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[4]);
res = DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_HOUR, reg);
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
res = DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_WEEK, DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[2]));
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
res = DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_DATE, DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[3]));
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
if (t[0] >= 100)
res = DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_MONTH, DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[1]) | (1 << 7));
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
return DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_YEAR, DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[0] - 100));
res = DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_MONTH, DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[1]));
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
return DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_YEAR, DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[0]));
uint8_t DS3231_GetPin(DS3231_PinType_t *pin)
uint8_t res;
res = I2C_Read(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, DS3231_REG_CONTROL, buff, 1);
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
*pin = (DS3231_PinType_t)((buff[0] >> 2) & 0x01);
return HAL_OK;
uint8_t DS3231_SetPin(DS3231_PinType_t *pin)
uint8_t res;
res = I2C_Read(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, DS3231_REG_CONTROL, buff, 1);
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
buff[0] &= ~(1 << 2);
buff[0] |= (*pin) << 2;
return DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_CONTROL, buff[0]);
uint8_t ds3231_GetSquareOutputState(HAL_State_t *state)
uint8_t res;
res = I2C_Read(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, DS3231_REG_CONTROL, buff, 1);
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
*state = (HAL_State_t)((buff[0] >> 6) & 0x01);
return HAL_OK;
uint8_t DS3231_SetSquareOutputState(HAL_State_t state)
uint8_t res;
res = I2C_Read(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, DS3231_REG_CONTROL, buff, 1);
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
buff[0] &= ~(1 << 6);
buff[0] |= state << 6;
return DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_CONTROL, buff[0]);
uint8_t DS3231_GetAlarmInterrupt(DS3231_Alarm_t alarm, HAL_State_t *state)
uint8_t res;
res = I2C_Read(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, DS3231_REG_CONTROL, buff, 1);
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
*state = (HAL_State_t)((buff[0] >> alarm) & 0x01);
return HAL_OK;
uint8_t DS3231_SetAlarmInterrupt(DS3231_Alarm_t alarm, HAL_State_t state)
uint8_t res;
res = I2C_Read(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, DS3231_REG_CONTROL, buff, 1);
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
buff[0] &= ~(1 << alarm);
buff[0] |= state << alarm;
return DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_CONTROL, buff[0]);
uint8_t DS3231_GetAlarm1(uint8_t *t, DS3231_Alarm1Mode_t *mode)
uint8_t res;
res = I2C_Read(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, DS3231_REG_ALARM1_SECOND, buff, 4);
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
t[0] = 0; // year
t[1] = 0; // month
if (((buff[3] >> 6) & 0x01) != 0) // if week
t[2] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[3] & 0x0F); // week
t[3] = 0; // date
else // if date
t[2] = 0; // week
t[3] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[3] & 0x3F); // date
t[8] = ((buff[2] >> 5) & 0x01); // am/pm
t[7] = ((buff[2] >> 6) & 0x01); // 12h/24h
if (t[7] == DS3231_FORMAT_12H)
t[4] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[2]&0x1F);
t[4] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[2]&0x3F);
t[5] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[1] & 0x7F);
t[6] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[0] & 0x7F);
*mode = (DS3231_Alarm1Mode_t)(
((buff[0]>>7)&0x01)<<0 |
((buff[1]>>7)&0x01)<<1 |
((buff[2]>>7)&0x01)<<2 |
((buff[3]>>7)&0x01)<<3 |
return HAL_OK;
uint8_t DS3231_SetAlarm1(uint8_t *t, DS3231_Alarm1Mode_t mode)
uint8_t res;
uint8_t reg;
res = DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_ALARM1_SECOND, DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[6]) | ((mode & 0x01) << 7));
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
res = DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_ALARM1_MINUTE, DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[5]) | (((mode >> 1) & 0x01) << 7));
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
if (t[7] == DS3231_FORMAT_12H)
reg = (uint8_t)((((mode >> 2) & 0x01) << 7) | (1 << 6) | (t[8] << 5) | DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[4]));
reg = (((mode >> 2) & 0x01) << 7) | DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[4]);
res = DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_ALARM1_HOUR, reg);
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
reg = (((mode >> 3) & 0x01) << 7) | (1 << 6) | DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[2]);
reg = (((mode >> 3) & 0x01) << 7) | DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[3]);
return DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_ALARM1_WEEK, reg);
uint8_t DS3231_GetAlarm2(uint8_t *t, DS3231_Alarm2Mode_t *mode)
uint8_t res;
res = I2C_Read(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, DS3231_REG_ALARM2_MINUTE, buff, 3);
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
t[0] = 0; // year
t[1] = 0; // month
if (((buff[2] >> 6) & 0x01) != 0) // if week
t[2] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[2] & 0x0F);
t[3] = 0;
else // if date
t[2] = 0;
t[3] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[2] & 0x3F);
t[8] = ((buff[1] >> 5) & 0x01); // am/pm
t[7] = ((buff[1] >> 6) & 0x01); // 12h/24h
if (t[7] == DS3231_FORMAT_12H)
t[4] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[1]&0x1F);
t[4] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[1]&0x3F);
t[5] = DS3231_Bcd2Hex(buff[0] & 0x7F);
t[6] = 0;
*mode = (DS3231_Alarm2Mode_t)(
((buff[0]>>7)&0x01)<<0 |
((buff[1]>>7)&0x01)<<1 |
((buff[2]>>7)&0x01)<<2 |
return HAL_OK;
uint8_t DS3231_SetAlarm2(uint8_t *t, DS3231_Alarm2Mode_t mode)
uint8_t res;
uint8_t reg;
res = DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_ALARM2_MINUTE, DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[5]) | (((mode >> 0) & 0x01) << 7));
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
if (t[7] == DS3231_FORMAT_12H)
reg = (uint8_t)((((mode >> 1) & 0x01) << 7) | (1 << 6) | (t[8] << 5) | DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[4]));
reg = (((mode >> 1) & 0x01) << 7) | DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[4]);
res = DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_ALARM2_HOUR, reg);
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
reg = (((mode >> 2) & 0x01) << 7) | (1 << 6) | DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[2]);
reg = (((mode >> 2) & 0x01) << 7) | DS3231_Hex2Bcd(t[3]);
return DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_ALARM2_WEEK, reg);
uint8_t DS3231_ClearAlarm(DS3231_Alarm_t alarm)
uint8_t res;
res = I2C_Read(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, DS3231_REG_STATUS, buff, 1);
if (res != HAL_OK) return res;
buff[0] &= ~(1 << alarm);
return DS3231_Write(DS3231_REG_STATUS, buff[0]);