// Copyright 2021 IOsetting // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef ___FW_I2C_H___ #define ___FW_I2C_H___ #include "fw_conf.h" #include "fw_types.h" typedef enum { I2C_WorkMode_Slave = 0x00, I2C_WorkMode_Master = 0x01, } I2C_WorkMode_t; typedef enum { I2C_MasterCmd_Wait = 0x00, // Wait, idle I2C_MasterCmd_Start = 0x01, // START I2C_MasterCmd_Send = 0x02, /* Send data. This command will generate 8 clocks on SCL, and send I2CTXD to SDA bit by bit from MSB */ I2C_MasterCmd_RxAck = 0x03, /* Recive Ack. This command will generate 1 clock on SCL, and save the received bit to MSACKI(I2CMSST.1) */ I2C_MasterCmd_Recv = 0x04, // Recive data I2C_MasterCmd_TxAck = 0x05, /* Send Ack. This command will generate 1 clock on SCL, and write the bit value of MSACKO(I2CMSST.0) to SDA */ I2C_MasterCmd_Stop = 0x06, // STOP. This command will send STOP signal, and reset MSBUSY flag I2C_MasterCmd_StartSendRxAck = 0x09, // START + Send data + RxAck I2C_MasterCmd_SendRxAck = 0x0A, // Send data + RxAck I2C_MasterCmd_RecvTxAck0 = 0x0B, // Receive data + TxAck(0) I2C_MasterCmd_RecvNAck = 0x0C, // Receive data + NAck } I2C_MasterCmd_t; typedef enum { // SCL SDA I2C_AlterPort_P15_P14 = 0x00, I2C_AlterPort_P25_P24 = 0x01, I2C_AlterPort_P77_P76 = 0x02, I2C_AlterPort_P32_P33 = 0x03, } I2C_AlterPort_t; #define I2C_SetEnabled(__STATE__) SFRX_ASSIGN(I2CCFG, 7, __STATE__) #define I2C_SetWorkMode(__MODE__) SFRX_ASSIGN(I2CCFG, 6, __MODE__) /** * I2C bus clock = FOSC / 2 / (__DIV__ * 2 + 4) * __DIV__ values range [0, 63] */ #define I2C_SetClockPrescaler(__DIV__) do { \ SFRX_ON(); \ (I2CCFG) = (I2CCFG) & ~(0x3F) | ((__DIV__) & 0x3F); \ SFRX_OFF(); \ } while(0) #define I2C_SendMasterCmd(__CMD__) { \ (I2CMSCR) = (I2CMSCR) & ~(0x0F) | ((__CMD__) & 0x0F); \ while (!(I2CMSST & 0x40)); \ I2CMSST &= ~0x40; \ } #define I2C_MasterStart() I2C_SendMasterCmd(I2C_MasterCmd_Start) #define I2C_MasterSendData(__DATA__) do{I2CTXD = (__DATA__); I2C_SendMasterCmd(I2C_MasterCmd_Send);}while(0) #define I2C_MasterRxAck() I2C_SendMasterCmd(I2C_MasterCmd_RxAck) #define I2C_MasterAck() do{I2CMSST &= ~(0x01); I2C_SendMasterCmd(I2C_MasterCmd_TxAck);}while(0) #define I2C_MasterNAck() do{I2CMSST |= 0x01; I2C_SendMasterCmd(I2C_MasterCmd_TxAck);}while(0) #define I2C_MasterStop() I2C_SendMasterCmd(I2C_MasterCmd_Stop) /** * If enabled, `Send Data`+`RxAck` will be executed automatically after write operation on I2CTXD */ #define I2C_SetMasterAutoSend(__STATE__) SFRX_ASSIGN(I2CMSAUX, 0, __STATE__) /** * Call P_SW2=0x80 before invoking this */ #define I2C_IsMasterBusy() (I2CMSST & 0x80) #define I2C_ClearMasterCmdInterrupt() do {SFRX_ON(); I2CMSST &= ~(0x01 << 6); SFRX_OFF();} while(0) #define I2C_ResetSlaveMode() SFRX_SET(I2CSLCR, 0) /** * Call P_SW2=0x80 before invoking this */ #define I2C_IsSlaveBusy() (I2CSLST & 0x80) #define I2C_ClearSlaveStartInterrupt() do {SFRX_ON(); I2CSLST &= ~(0x01 << 6); SFRX_OFF();} while(0) #define I2C_ClearSlaveRecvInterrupt() do {SFRX_ON(); I2CSLST &= ~(0x01 << 5); SFRX_OFF();} while(0) #define I2C_ClearSlaveSendInterrupt() do {SFRX_ON(); I2CSLST &= ~(0x01 << 4); P_SW2 = 0x00;} while(0) #define I2C_ClearSlaveStopInterrupt() do {SFRX_ON(); I2CSLST &= ~(0x01 << 3); P_SW2 = 0x00;} while(0) #define I2C_SetSlaveAddrControl(__STATE__) SFRX_ASSIGN(I2CSLADR, 0, __STATE__) /** * Alternative ports */ #define I2C_SetPort(__ALTER_PORT__) (P_SW2 = P_SW2 & ~(0x03 << 4) | ((__ALTER_PORT__) << 4)) uint8_t I2C_Write(uint8_t devAddr, uint8_t memAddr, uint8_t *dat, uint16_t size); uint8_t I2C_Read(uint8_t devAddr, uint8_t memAddr, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size); uint8_t I2C_Write16BitAddr(uint8_t devAddr, uint16_t memAddr, uint8_t *dat, uint16_t size); uint8_t I2C_Read16BitAddr(uint8_t devAddr, uint16_t memAddr, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size); #endif