// Copyright 2021 IOsetting <iosetting(at)outlook.com> // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /*** * Demo: ST7567 12864 LCD * Board: STC8H3K32 * * P37 -> RES, RESET 7 - 18 * P36 -> DC, A0 8 - 17 * P35 -> CSB, Chip Select 6 - 16 * P32 -> SCK, SCL, CLK, Clock 9 - 13 * P12 -> LED-A, Backlight 3 - 19 * P34 -> MOSI, SDA 10 - 15 * GND -> GND * 3.3V -> VCC */ #include "fw_hal.h" #include "st7567.h" void SPI_Init(void) { // ST7567 doesn't work if SPI frequency is too high SPI_SetClockPrescaler(SPI_ClockPreScaler_16); // Clock is low when idle SPI_SetClockPolarity(HAL_State_OFF); // Data transfer is driven by lower SS pin SPI_SetClockPhase(SPI_ClockPhase_LeadingEdge); // MSB first SPI_SetDataOrder(SPI_DataOrder_MSB); // Define the output pins SPI_SetPort(SPI_AlterPort_P35_P34_P33_P32); // Ignore SS pin, use MSTR to swith between master/slave mode SPI_IgnoreSlaveSelect(HAL_State_ON); // Master mode SPI_SetMasterMode(HAL_State_ON); // Start SPI SPI_SetEnabled(HAL_State_ON); } void GPIO_Init(void) { // Configure GPIO pins before SPI and device // DIN(P34) GPIO_P3_SetMode(GPIO_Pin_4, GPIO_Mode_InOut_QBD); // SCLK(P32) GPIO_P3_SetMode(GPIO_Pin_2|GPIO_Pin_5|GPIO_Pin_6|GPIO_Pin_7, GPIO_Mode_Output_PP); GPIO_P1_SetMode(GPIO_Pin_2, GPIO_Mode_Output_PP); } int main(void) { int y1, y2; uint8_t d1, d2; SYS_SetClock(); GPIO_Init(); SPI_Init(); ST7567_Init(); while(1) { ST7567_DrawLine(0, 0, 127, 0, 1); ST7567_DrawLine(0, 0, 0, 63, 1); ST7567_DrawLine(127, 0, 127, 63, 1); ST7567_DrawLine(0, 63, 127, 63, 1); ST7567_GotoXY(3, 5); ST7567_Puts("LCD:ST7567", &Font_5x7, 1); ST7567_GotoXY(3, 13); ST7567_Puts("STC8 FwLib Demo", &Font_5x7, 1); ST7567_GotoXY(3, 21); ST7567_Puts("It's a demo of ST7567 12864 LCD", &Font_3x5, 1); ST7567_GotoXY(3, 27); ST7567_Puts("Font size 3x5, nums:01234567890", &Font_3x5, 1); ST7567_GotoXY(5, 52); ST7567_Puts("Font size: 5x7", &Font_5x7, 1); ST7567_UpdateScreen(); SYS_Delay(2000); y1 = 10; while (y1 <= 0x30) { ST7567_SetContrast(y1++); SYS_Delay(100); } while (y1 >= 10) { ST7567_SetContrast(y1--); SYS_Delay(100); } while (y1 <= 0x20) { ST7567_SetContrast(y1++); SYS_Delay(100); } SYS_Delay(2000); ST7567_ToggleInvert(); ST7567_UpdateScreen(); SYS_Delay(2000); ST7567_ToggleInvert(); ST7567_UpdateScreen(); SYS_Delay(2000); ST7567_Fill(0); y1 = 64, y2 = 0; while (y1 > 0) { ST7567_DrawLine(0, y1, 127, y2, 1); ST7567_UpdateScreen(); y1 -= 2; y2 += 2; SYS_Delay(100); } SYS_Delay(1000); ST7567_Fill(0); y1 = 127, y2 = 0; while (y1 > 0) { ST7567_DrawLine(y1, 0, y2, 63, 1); ST7567_UpdateScreen(); y1 -= 2; y2 += 2; SYS_Delay(100); } SYS_Delay(1000); ST7567_Fill(0); ST7567_UpdateScreen(); SYS_Delay(2000); } }