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2022-02-06 16:26:45 +01:00
// Copyright 2021 IOsetting <iosetting(at)outlook.com>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef ___FW_USB_H___
#define ___FW_USB_H___
#include "fw_conf.h"
#include "fw_types.h"
* STC8H8K64U(LQFP48) (LQFP64)
#define FADDR 0x00
#define POWER 0x01
#define INTRIN1 0x02
#define EP5INIF 0x20
#define EP4INIF 0x10
#define EP3INIF 0x08
#define EP2INIF 0x04
#define EP1INIF 0x02
#define EP0IF 0x01
#define INTROUT1 0x04
#define EP5OUTIF 0x20
#define EP4OUTIF 0x10
#define EP3OUTIF 0x08
#define EP2OUTIF 0x04
#define EP1OUTIF 0x02
#define INTRUSB 0x06
#define SOFIF 0x08
#define RSTIF 0x04
#define RSUIF 0x02
#define SUSIF 0x01
#define INTRIN1E 0x07
#define EP5INIE 0x20
#define EP4INIE 0x10
#define EP3INIE 0x08
#define EP2INIE 0x04
#define EP1INIE 0x02
#define EP0IE 0x01
#define INTROUT1E 0x09
#define EP5OUTIE 0x20
#define EP4OUTIE 0x10
#define EP3OUTIE 0x08
#define EP2OUTIE 0x04
#define EP1OUTIE 0x02
#define INTRUSBE 0x0B
#define SOFIE 0x08
#define RSTIE 0x04
#define RSUIE 0x02
#define SUSIE 0x01
#define FRAME1 0x0C
#define FRAME2 0x0D
#define INDEX 0x0E
#define INMAXP 0x10
#define CSR0 0x11
#define SSUEND 0x80
#define SOPRDY 0x40
#define SDSTL 0x20
#define SUEND 0x10
#define DATEND 0x08
#define STSTL 0x04
#define IPRDY 0x02
#define OPRDY 0x01
#define INCSR1 0x11
#define INCLRDT 0x40
#define INSTSTL 0x20
#define INSDSTL 0x10
#define INFLUSH 0x08
#define INUNDRUN 0x04
#define INFIFONE 0x02
#define INIPRDY 0x01
#define INCSR2 0x12
#define INAUTOSET 0x80
#define INISO 0x40
#define INMODEIN 0x20
#define INMODEOUT 0x00
#define INENDMA 0x10
#define INFCDT 0x08
#define OUTMAXP 0x13
#define OUTCSR1 0x14
#define OUTCLRDT 0x80
#define OUTSTSTL 0x40
#define OUTSDSTL 0x20
#define OUTFLUSH 0x10
#define OUTDATERR 0x08
#define OUTOVRRUN 0x04
#define OUTFIFOFUL 0x02
#define OUTOPRDY 0x01
#define OUTCSR2 0x15
#define OUTAUTOCLR 0x80
#define OUTISO 0x40
#define OUTENDMA 0x20
#define OUTDMAMD 0x10
#define COUNT0 0x16
#define OUTCOUNT1 0x16
#define OUTCOUNT2 0x17
#define FIFO0 0x20
#define FIFO1 0x21
#define FIFO2 0x22
#define FIFO3 0x23
#define FIFO4 0x24
#define FIFO5 0x25
#define UTRKCTL 0x30
#define UTRKSTS 0x31
#define EPIDLE 0
#define EPSTATUS 1
#define EPDATAIN 2
#define EPDATAOUT 3
#define EPSTALL -1
#define GET_STATUS 0x00
#define CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01
#define SET_FEATURE 0x03
#define SET_ADDRESS 0x05
#define GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06
#define SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x07
#define GET_CONFIG 0x08
#define SET_CONFIG 0x09
#define GET_INTERFACE 0x0A
#define SET_INTERFACE 0x0B
#define SYNCH_FRAME 0x0C
#define GET_REPORT 0x01
#define GET_IDLE 0x02
#define GET_PROTOCOL 0x03
#define SET_REPORT 0x09
#define SET_IDLE 0x0A
#define SET_PROTOCOL 0x0B
#define DESC_DEVICE 0x01
#define DESC_CONFIG 0x02
#define DESC_STRING 0x03
#define DESC_HIDREPORT 0x22
#define CLASS_REQUEST 0x20
#define VENDOR_REQUEST 0x40
#define REQUEST_MASK 0x60
typedef struct
uint8_t bmRequestType;
uint8_t bRequest;
uint8_t wValueL;
uint8_t wValueH;
uint8_t wIndexL;
uint8_t wIndexH;
uint8_t wLengthL;
uint8_t wLengthH;
typedef struct
uint8_t bStage;
uint16_t wResidue;
uint8_t *pData;
uint8_t USB_ReadReg(uint8_t addr);
void USB_WriteReg(uint8_t addr, uint8_t dat);
uint8_t USB_ReadFIFO(uint8_t fifo, uint8_t *pdat);
void USB_WriteFIFO(uint8_t fifo, uint8_t *pdat, uint8_t cnt);