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# About
FwLib_STC8 is a lite firmware library for STC8G/STC8H series MCU.
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## Official Datasheets, User Manuals
* STC8A/8F: [Chinese ](http://www.stcmcudata.com/STC8F-DATASHEET/STC8A-STC8F.pdf ), [English ](http://www.stcmcudata.com/STC8F-DATASHEET/STC8-english-20180320.pdf )
* STC8G: [Chinese ](http://www.stcmcudata.com/STC8F-DATASHEET/STC8G.pdf ), [English ](https://www.stcmcudata.com/STC8F-DATASHEET/STC8G-EN.pdf )
* STC8H: [Chinese ](http://www.stcmcudata.com/STC8F-DATASHEET/STC8H.pdf ), [English ](https://www.stcmcudata.com/STC8F-DATASHEET/STC8H-EN.pdf )
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# Features
* Compatible with SDCC and Keil C51
* Optimized for constrained 8-bit MCU resources
* Readable code for on-chip resources operation
* Demos for quick start
# PlatformIO Quick Start
1. Clone this repository to local file system
# GitHub
git clone https://github.com/IOsetting/FwLib_STC8.git FwLib_STC8
# or Giteee (for Chinese users)
git clone https://gitee.com/iosetting/fw-lib_-stc8.git FwLib_STC8
2. Copy(or move) it to your PlatformIO project library, the file structure
├── include
├── lib
│ └── FwLib_STC8
│ ├── demo
│ ├── include
│ └── src
├── src
└── test
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3. Add compile arguments in platformio.ini
build_flags =
-D__CONF_FOSC=36864000UL ;The osc/irc frequency you MCU will be running on
-D__CONF_MCU_MODEL=MCU_MODEL_STC8H3K32S2 ;change this to your MCU type
-D__CONF_CLKDIV=0x02 ;frequency trimming
4. Include `fw_hal.h` in your code
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#include "fw_hal.h"
then it's ready to use.
# Keil C51 Quick Start
1. Clone this repository to local file system
# GitHub
git clone https://github.com/IOsetting/FwLib_STC8.git FwLib_STC8
# or Giteee (for Chinese users)
git clone https://gitee.com/iosetting/fw-lib_-stc8.git FwLib_STC8
2. Copy(or move) it to your Keil C51 project directory,
3. Add it to project through Project -> Manage -> Project Items,
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4. Open project option dialog by clicking Project -> Options for Target ... , switch to C51 tab, and input following content in Preprocessor Symbols -> Define:
The explanation of these arguments
__CX51__ This will tell the macros to switch to Keil C51 keywords
__CONF_MCU_MODEL, change this to your MCU type, please look into FwLib_STC8/include/fw_conf.h for all available types.
__CONF_FOSC The osc/irc frequency you MCU will be running on. It equals to the frequency this MCU will be trimmed to in STC-ISP.
5. Include `fw_hal.h` in your code
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#include "fw_hal.h"
then it's ready to use.
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# Macros
Some macros were introduced for code compatibility with Keil C51 and SDCC.
The naming is from [sdcc compiler.h ](https://sourceforge.net/p/sdcc/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/sdcc/device/include/mcs51/compiler.h ). If you want your code to work with both compilers, you need to stick to these macros instead of the compiler specific keywords:
Here is a list of the macros:
| Macro | Keil C51 | SDCC |
| ----------- | ---------------- | ----------------- |
| __BIT | bit | __bit |
| __IDATA | idata | __idata |
| __PDATA | pdata | __pdata |
| __XDATA | xdata | __xdata |
| __CODE | code | __code |
| SBIT(name, addr, bit) | sbit name = addr^bit | __sbit __at(addr+bit) name |
| SFR(name, addr) | sfr name = addr | __sfr __at(addr) name |
| SFRX(addr) | (*(unsigned char volatile xdata *)(addr)) | (* (unsigned char volatile __xdata *)(addr)) |
| SFR16X(addr) | (*(unsigned int volatile xdata *)(addr)) | (* (unsigned int volatile __xdata *)(addr)) |
| INTERRUPT(name, vector) | void name (void) interrupt vector | void name (void) __interrupt (vector) |
| INTERRUPT_USING(name, vector, regnum) | void name (void) interrupt vector using regnum | void name (void) __interrupt (vector) __using (regnum) |
| NOP() | _nop_ () | __asm NOP __endasm |
The definition of these macros can be found in include/fw_reg_base.h
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# License
Copyright (c) 2021-present IOsetting < iosetting @outlook .com >
The FwLib_STC8 is licensed under the permissive Apache 2.0 license, you can use it in both commercial and personal projects with confidence.